When To See A Doctor For IBS Treatment

Posted on: 18 March 2022

The symptoms of IBS are generally mild and will come and go over time. Although they can be uncomfortable, they don't cause permanent damage to the intestines or increase your risk of developing other diseases.

But there are some cases where you may want to see a doctor for IBS treatment. To determine whether your IBS is mild, moderate or severe, you may need a medical professional to assess the intensity, frequency and duration of your symptoms. See a doctor for irritable bowel syndrome treatment if:

1. You Have Blood In Your Stool Or Severe Abdominal Pain

Blood in your stool can be a sign of bleeding in your digestive tract. This could be from hemorrhoids or anal fissures (tears in the anus). But it can also be a sign of more serious conditions such as ulcerative colitis or colon cancer. It's important to see your doctor if you notice any bleeding in your stool so they can determine the cause and rule out serious conditions.

2. Your Stools Change Colour Or Consistency Suddenly

See your doctor for IBS treatment if your stools change colour or consistency suddenly, or if you have black stools or streaks of blood in your stool. IBS symptoms sometimes occur after a meal. A change in the bacteria in your gut may also play a role. IBS treatment usually involves some trial and error to determine which treatments work best for you

3. You Have A Fever

If you develop a fever along with the other symptoms of IBS, it's time to see a doctor to make sure there's not another underlying cause. This is particularly true if you don't have abdominal pain but do have bloating and diarrhoea.

4. You Become More Constipated Than Usual Or Have Diarrhoea

The hallmark of IBS is a change in your bowel habits. But the changes aren't always diarrhoea or constipation. Some people alternate between bouts of both, while others find themselves bloated and unable to eliminate anything at all.

If you're having constipation, that means your body isn't absorbing enough water from your food, which can lead to weight loss. If you're having frequent diarrhoea, that means you could lose nutrients from your body in addition to the water content of the stool. Either way, if you're losing weight and don't know why, it's time to check with a doctor.

If you have IBS that is causing your life pain and serious disruption, then you should talk to your doctor about irritable bowel syndrome treatment.
