Health Care Clinics: Kristi’s Blog of Tips for Parents
Welcome to my blog. My name is Kristi. I am the proud mum of three amazing kiddos and a husband who never wants to admit he's ill. Over the years, I have dragged my husband in to get medication against his will, and I have dealt with numerous ear aches, stomach flues and rashes with the kids. I have also learned what questions to ask and how to access the best level of care at all times. Want to learn about health care clinics? Then, take a look at these posts. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy!
If you have a parathyroid disorder, your doctor might recommend the removal of the problematic gland. This surgical process is primarily used for dealing with hyperparathyroidism. This condition causes the enlargement or excess growth of the gland. If the overgrown parathyroid is left in place, it could cause overproduction of the parathyroid hormone. Over time, the excess hormone could cause numerous problems, including kidney stones, bone brittleness and nervous system malfunctions. [Read More]