3 Essential Guidelines for Recovering after Parathyroid Removal

Posted on: 22 May 2018

If you have a parathyroid disorder, your doctor might recommend the removal of the problematic gland. This surgical process is primarily used for dealing with hyperparathyroidism. This condition causes the enlargement or excess growth of the gland. If the overgrown parathyroid is left in place, it could cause overproduction of the parathyroid hormone. Over time, the excess hormone could cause numerous problems, including kidney stones, bone brittleness and nervous system malfunctions. If you are scheduled to have your parathyroid removed, you should consider using these tips to recover quickly after the surgery.

Get Enough Rest & Limit Exercise

You should rest after the procedure to ensure quick recovery and prevent injuries to the surgical site. When sleeping, you should make sure that your head is elevated with pillows. This position will prevent strain to your neck due to overextension. You should not take part in lifting activities or other strenuous activities without your doctor's approval. However, you can benefit from a little walking. This light exercise will promote the flow of blood, minimising the risk of inflammation around the wound site.

Choose the Right Food

Swallowing might be painful after the surgery due to the removal of the parathyroid gland and the subsequent wound. Therefore, you should be careful about your choice of food during this period. In general, you can begin with soothing cold foods such as ice cream and cold drinks. You can also try pudding, cooked fruit, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and yoghurt. You should avoid foods which could react adversely with your wounded throat. For example, crunchy snacks and acidic foods might irritate your throat.

Take Your Medicine

You should purchase the medication prescribed by the doctor after the surgery. In most cases, parathyroid surgeons can provide analgesics to help you manage the pain. If you do not receive any pain killers, you should inquire whether you can use OTC drugs. Antibiotics might be prescribed to prevent the development of an infection around the wound site. You must consume the full dose to avoid complicated infections.

Calcium might also be provided to prevent deficiencies after the surgery. You should follow the instructions to prevent deficiency symptoms. You should note that there are drugs which can interfere with quick recovery. For example, blood thinner can prevent wound healing. If you usually take such medications, you should consult your doctor before resuming use.

Finally, you should protect the incision to prevent complications. You should minimise its contact with water and avoid using alcohol and other disinfectants which could compromise healing.
