Commonly Asked Questions About Gastroenterology

Posted on: 8 March 2019

When you need to speak to a gastroenterologist for a check-up, there are a lot of questions you have in mind, especially if it is your first time. The body cannot function properly if there is something wrong with your gastrointestinal system. You need to have some knowledge about gastroenterology before speaking to any professional. Here are common questions you need to ask so you will have the basic information that you need. Keep in mind that knowing about it could also help you take care of your health.

Who Is a Gastroenterologist?

A physician who is specialising in the gastrointestinal tract of the body is called a gastroenterologist. Your stomach, esophagus, large and small intestines, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts are all part of the gastrointestinal tract. When you see a gastroenterologist in their clinic or the hospital, they will perform colonoscopies and endoscopy if necessary. You may have some background of gastroenterology when you studied the digestive system in school, but you need a specialist for any gastrointestinal issues.

What Do I Need to Bring to an Appointment with My Gastroenterologist?

When you are called in for an appointment, you should bring your previous medical records, a list of your current medications if there are any and imaging studies. It should be on a CD or storage device. In case you have the original studies with you, bring them. If you have an insurance card, you will need that too.

Why Is Upper Endoscopy Needed?

It allows the doctor to examine the upper lining of the gastrointestinal tract, which is composed of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum. The EGD is for stretching an esophagus that is narrow if you have difficulty swallowing or removing polyps or foreign objects that were swallowed.

What Should I Expect After a GI Procedure?

You are going to be closely monitored until the sedatives have worn off. You might feel cramps or any bloating because there was air that entered the colon during the examination. The doctor will explain the results, but you might still be groggy because of the sedatives. You are going to need someone to accompany you and take you home. You will be able to eat normally again, but the doctor might give you diet or activity restrictions for the time being. You will feel alert, but your reflexes and judgment will be impaired until the end of the day.

These are the most important questions you need to ask about gastroenterology-related procedures. Call a clinic like the Diagnostic Endoscopy Centre for more information.
